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Imaging, Penn Hip and Elbow Scoring

Imaging, Hip and Elbow Scoring

We have the most modern DR X-ray facilities, which skips the development stage and transmits a digital image straight from the xray machine to the software. This makes taking xrays quicker, more accurate and allows rapid transmission of images to clients, referral clinicians etc.

We also use ‘Signal pet’ an Artificial Intelligence second opinion software which scans all our x-rays to enable us to make more accurate diagnoses and ensure a detailed analysis of all our images is undertaken. We can then produce client reports of our findings.


Hip and Elbow Scoring

If you want to breed with your dog and he or she is a breed that can suffer from hip or elbow dysplasia, we recommend you get your dog ‘Hip and elbow scored’. We can take the radiographs required for this important assessment. The examination requires a general anaesthetic to enable us to position your pet accurately for the schemes:

Penn Hip Scoring 

Vet Amber Francis is certified to take Penn Hip radiographs for hip dysplasia. The digital images are sent to Pennsylvania State University for analysis and interpretation.

NZVA Elbow Radiographs

The NZVA runs the scheme to analyse and interpret Elbow Dysplasia Radiographs.

ANKC Hip and Elbow Radiographs

The Australian Kennel Club runs a separate scheme for Hip and Elbow scoring.

Ultrasound Scanning

We have the latest ultrasound equipment, which is vital in an emergency situation as well as for ongoing monitoring in some conditions. We also perform pregnancy ultrasound to confirm pregnancy and fetal maturity scans to help us confirm the due date and if it is safe to proceed with caesarian section.

Vet Jen is current learning more ultrasound skills  so we can give your pets the best non-invasive examinations and investigations.

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    Phoenix Animal Wellness

    At PAW we have gathered together a group of dedicated animal health professionals who are committed to providing outstanding, innovative, value for money care.